Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Not Much, Just a Lot of Missionaries

Dear Family and Friends,

This week, Thursday evening, May 22, I got a call from President Bernhisel.  He told me that Emmett got his mission call.  I must be really special!  The President called me personally.  I didn't even have to wait half a week to hear that Emmett had gotten his call.  I don't know how I got so lucky.  He is going to Boston, Massachusetts.  What fun.

I don't know what to write. I don't know what to say.  I guess I should just say what I am thinking.  I am so thankful that we have another missionary in the Spirit World.  I am thankful that I know that Maria only left one mission and was transferred to another.  It was a transfer home. I wish I could offer solace to everyone, but what can one little 20-year old do?  Plus, I know you are all strong, faithful people who love the Lord and already know that it is part of His plan.  You already know that the Lord is there for strength.  You know that you can do anything with His help.  Thank you for being my examples.  Thank you for loving me.  This has been one of my favorite videos in the last five years.  http://www.mormonchannel.org/mormon-channel-daily/213?v=1839005837001

One of my favorite lines is "Thank you for loving me enough to hurt me."  I forget that sometimes.  Maybe sometimes I am showing my love when I hurt people.  Just kidding! That just sounds bad.  Pretend I did not say that.  But, the only way we are going to grow is if we are cut down and given the chance to regrow.  I need to be cut down some more.  I guess I do my companion and injustice when I don't want to offer correction because I know it will hurt her.  Don't worry; I won't go off this week just giving her correction the entire time.  I know that would just be digging up the roots.  Thank you for loving me enough to hurt me.  I love all y'all.  Have a good week.  Have hope.

Voyo con Dios,
Sister Turley

P.S. That is what Grandpa said to me.  He is teaching me Spanish.

Monday, May 19, 2014

The Atonement Works!

Dear Family and Friends,

Well, I finally punched a companion this week.  Surprising?  Not in the least.  I guess I hit rock bottom.  Then we had interviews a few days later.  And, it didn't come up.  I forgot about it.  That was interesting.

We have four investigators.  They are a family and a referral from some members.  We are hoping to have FHE with them in the members' home.  That would be fantastic.

Life is interesting.  The scriptures are great.  And, I forgot my Restoration pamphlet again, so I cannot show the inspiration that I had.  Bummer.  I am sure you are all thinking at this point that I have written an odd letter.  Well, yes.  It looks as though that is the case.  I know the Gospel is true. I am still a missionary.  I forgot my planner though.  I forget everything.  I am the least prepared missionary you will ever meet.  

I love all of you. Thank you for all the support.  Thank you for never giving up on me.  I know that Christ's atonement is here for everyone.  I can be forgiven for punching my companion.  She can be healed.  Well, the Atonement works. And so do we.  We work.  For what?  Happiness.  Eternal Joy.  Work brings happiness.  Work and the Atonement.  I work for Christ.  He is the Atonement.  He is my employer.  I am here to do His work.  I make mistakes, but I can just get up again.  I love Him.  He is a wonderful employer.  I love you.  You are wonderful co-workers.  I love this world.  I love North Carolina.  It is a wonderful workplace.  There is no greater work than this.  Let us hasten it together.

Weird.  I punched someone.  I think that is the first time.  Ever.  Weird.

Go with God,
Sister Turley

Monday, May 12, 2014

Universe Juice

Dear All,

Well, I meant to share a great thing that I found last week, but I forgot my Restoration pamphlet at home.  Bummer.  That is how I work.  I am often heard saying, "I am probably the most unprepared missionary you will ever meet."  I forget everything.  I don't know how well it will go as I get older; I am afraid that I am going to forget my name when I reach 38.  I'm going downhill fast. Fast, I tell ya.  Anyways, the Restoration is great.  Sister Boucher and I use it a lot.  It has been our main lesson the last few weeks.  We will get to planning and say, "What shall we teach the Smith family? The Restoration!"  So, that is what we do.  We teach the Restoration.  And, we use the Book of Mormon.

I am sorry for no letter last week.  Our haircuts took 3 hours, which we were not planning at all.  So, I had ten minutes to write to President Bernhisel and look at some things and log off.  We have quite the adventures here in Dunn.  We have established a very high turnover rate.  We find about 4-5 investigators per week and have 5 different ones the next.  We are learning how to "sizzle socks," in the words of Elder Holland, so that we will have more return appointments that don't fall through.  Retention rate will be improving soon.

I love all y'all.  Hope you are doing well.  Keep moving forward.

Go with God,
Sister Turley

P.S.  This week, I have thought a lot about the movie "Kung Fu Panda."  I think about the part where the other kung fu warriors are telling Po that the dragon warrior can live off of the energy of the universe and a single drop of dew.  I love when he says, "I don't think my body knows it is the dragon warrior yet.  I am going to need a lot more universe juice."  I love it because we just want to do the work, but are stomachs sometimes start growling.  So, we have to eat.  I don't think my body knows it is a messenger from God yet.

Quotes 2023

  Joseph : What's your middle name? Griffin : Jon-niel. Josh : When in doubt, it's Joseph's pants. Coworker : Bandit farted, and...