Wednesday, October 23, 2024

He Delivers

I started this one on Sunday but had several other things I ended up doing. So sorry for the delay. 

My goal this year was to read (or listen to) The Book of Mormon three times. I have never read that quickly. Even on my mission, when I was studying every day for an hour, I read it twice over 18 months. So, this was a big goal for me. I definitely got behind and am still catching up on my last read through.

For my first read, I marked characteristics/aspects of God. Many of these were actions that God has taken. But I tried to mark anything that gave a hint to God's character. I marked several characteristics and actions, but one stood out to me more than others. It was repeated over and over in The Book of Mormon.

He is a God of Deliverance. He delivers.

Paige Payne Creations

He delivers the righteous from their bondage. He delivers them from their feelings of grief. He delivers the wicked into the hands of other wicked people. And He delivers the wicked into the hands of the righteous. He delivers His message to people around the world. He delivers command keepers to better pastures.

Different definitions of  'deliver' include to provide, to set free, to bring, to hand over, to send, or to aid bringing forth. To deliver is to move.

God is a mover of people. He will bring you where He intends. He will not leave you alone. This could be physically, mentally, emotionally, etc. God will bring you to Him if you let Him. And He will bring you to promised blessings. You just have to trust Him. (Which I understand is very hard to do sometimes.)

Whatever space you may be in, when you turn to God, He will deliver you. 

Because God delivers.

He is a God of deliverance.

He delivers.


The above painting is by Paige Payne. She had a day of screenshotting some of her creations for phone wallpaper. I have had this as my wallpaper for a while. I have needed deliverance from a lot of emotions this year. I have received deliverance throughout the year and hope to receive more deliverance. I haven't necessarily been delivered from all of the trials, but they have become easier to bear. I will continue to put my trust in the Lord, for He knows so much more than I.

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