Saturday, January 6, 2024

2023 Reading Goal

 Last year, I had a goal to read 12 books, so basically 1 a month. And I wanted to read the physical copies, so even though I listened to audiobooks, I didn't feel like I had met my real goal. (The books I read can be found here.) So this year, I set the same goal for myself. I wanted to read 12 books instead of listening to them, even though I still wanted to listen to audiobooks. This year turned out to be an adventure because I ended up going down a giant rabbit hole that increased my usage of e-books (Kindle and Apple books).

So, if you would like to know the books I have read this year, they are the following.


Physical Books


Books I read that I would NOT recommend:
*Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man--not very well organized and left me with more follow up questions because some of the original questions posed weren't actually answered; it's super short and doesn't have a lot of content
*Dotty Dishes the Dirt--A lot of errors that made me reread sentences several times to understand what was happening, but some of it might just be British English

Other warnings for some containing adult material (i.e. drugs, language, abuse, and intimacy):
*Karamo Brown--little bit for being a very real biography, mostly language and drugs
*Princess of Thorns--right at the very end and not necessary for the story, not super explicit but still unnecessary in my opinion
*The Children's Blizzard--associated with one particular character and not a lot, but there are a few sentences that are questionable
*Odessa, Odessa--dealing with abuses during Pale of Settlement and emigration
**I try to not read explicit intimacy in books, and I often put books down because of it; so, this is a list that I have deemed might still be too much for other people
**I work in mental healthcare and get told lots of rough and horrible things, so sadly I might be a little more de-sensitized and/or interested in some topics

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Quotes 2023

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