In my journey to being "fixed," I tried to figure out what the root of my social ineptness was. And because I love my abnormal psychology book and unofficially diagnosing everyone with something, I turned to that. I sometimes pretend that I have ADHD-Inattentive, but that's because I never know where anything is. Like the other morning when I picked up my car keys and then suddenly didn't have them when I was halfway to my car. Which I wasn't actually halfway to my car because I had also forgotten where that was. But that isn't even what I get chastened for. Back to being social.
I decided that my closest diagnosis would be Avoidant Personality Disorder:
- Avoids occupational activities that involve significant interpersonal contact, because of fears of criticism, disapproval, or rejection
- Is unwilling to get involved with people unless certain of being liked
- Shows restraint within intimate relationships because of the fear of being shamed or ridiculed
- Is preoccupied with being criticized or rejected in social situations
- Is inhibited in new interpersonal situations because of feelings of inadequacy
- Regards herself as socially inept, personally unappealing, or inferior to others
- Is usually reluctant to take personal risks or to engage in any new activities because they may prove embarrassing
Of which I mostly just don't meet the first symptom. All the others perfectly describe how I feel and/or what I do. However, there isn't much on how it is treated. The book mentions that it has similar symptoms to Social Anxiety Disorder, which uses exposure therapy. I guess I have to be social.
So, I want to say that I am working on things. And I want to apologize to everyone who has been in contact with me for the last month. I have complained a lot about my calling because it brings up all of my issues and has sent me into despair every Sunday for the last few months. I have done really well during the weeks that I just pretended that I didn't have a calling. But, it's all in my head. I also apologize for apologizing because I know that makes people even more irritated with me.
Okay, now to get to the positive of this post because I try to end all my posts with something positive or at least something that I think is comical. Because of my social ineptness, my life has been filled with social experiments. So, I recently sent out a survey. (You should also start expecting a lot of social experiments with my "exposure therapy.") The actual reason I sent this survey out is because I try to find reasons why boys shouldn't want to date me and height has been a recurring theme. Despite some of you believing that I fear boys, I actually talk to boys all the time. My roommate says that I'm a player, but I think she's wrong. I think she is the player. Sorry; tangents. From my conversations with boys, I have heard, "the shorter the better," "Five-Seven or shorter," "Nothing shorter than five-nine," "five-eleven," and on. Mostly, there is this gap between five-seven and five-nine, which just so happens to be where I fit. So, I give that as a reason why boys shouldn't want to date me. I pretend that I'm not what people would like.
I sent out a survey. Below is a graph of the heights guys like of girls. Let's just say I have been proven wrong.
P.S. I apologize for anyone offended by my unofficial diagnosing. I don't have these disorders. Or at least I never go to find out. I mostly wanted to unofficial diagnose myself with APD because I feel the therapy that is tied to that would be very beneficial to my personality and thought processes. I don't mean to make a mock of any diagnoses.