Monday, May 27, 2013

An Interesting Beginning to my Missionary Experience

Dear Family and Friends,

A few days before I left, Brother Marshall (the ward music man) came to the house and asked to talk to me.  He was wanting to get a musical number together before I left (I would be playing cello).  But, Sundays were too scarce before my time to leave.  But, we ended up chatting for a while.  At the end he told me "Good Luck."  But, then he stated that he did not really like to tell people that when they are going on a mission.  So, he said a phrase in Latin.  I don't remember the phrase in Latin, but he translated it to English: "Go with God."  I loved that.  I also hate saying good luck to missionaries.  If they are serving the Lord with all their heart and mind and might, there is no luck involved.  God is guiding them.

On Tuesday evening, I was set apart as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  After the setting apart, my father's leg was hurting again (he is better at explaining, and it was bothering him before my setting apart).  So, my dad received a blessing and headed to the hospital.  On Wednesday morning, Emmett got to drive me to the airport.  We arrived at the airport a while before I had to get onto the plane, but we had quite the adventure trying to get to the correct terminal parking.  We turned around at least three times.  We almost backed up into another car.  In the end, we ended up parking in the terminal 4 parking lot.  We had to ride the sky train to terminal 4, then take the shuttle to terminal 3.  We made it just in time to check bags and go through security.  We met the Hancocks at the security.  I gave a few hugs, and John Hancock took a few pictures.  Then, I was off.

Before getting on the plane, I met Sister Griffin from Thatcher, Arizona, who is also going to North Carolina Raleigh.  On the plane, I got to sit by Elder Bloomfield.  We didn't even have to switch anybody seats.  We got to talk.  I am pretty sure that I did most of the talking, and Elder Bloomfield did most of the listening.  After we landed, Elder Bloomfield and I went our separate ways.  I got to ride the shuttle to the MTC.  Turns out, Sister Griffin is in my district.
We met our district.  My companion is Sister Jensen.  We have three companionships of Sisters and two companionships of Elders in our district.  Our whole district is going to the same mission.  Our zone is made of two districts.  Both districts are Elders and Sisters who are all going to the same mission.  The other district is two companionships of Sisters and three companionships of Elders.  We have a really great district.

Yesterday was Sunday.  We went to the Sunday Devotional and then watched Sister Monson's funeral service.  The Sunday Devotional was about preparing us for watching Sister Monson's funeral service.  I had a lot on my mind during the funeral.  As I was watching the Pallbearers take the casket to the car, I thought about my mother's funeral.  I thought about Emmett carrying his mother to her grave at the age of 13.  I just thought, "My brother is going to be a strong missionary."  I am sorry that I make everyone cry.  I just have those experiences to share; they are the experiences that have molded my life to what it is now.

Go with God,
Sister Turley

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Farewell, Arizona. I shall miss thee.

Today I gave my third "farewell" talk.  I gave a talk in my Singles' Ward in Provo the week before I left Utah.  My topic for that talk was on a gospel principle that I learned about in General Conference.  Last week, I gave a talk on Joseph Smith and the Restoration in my family's ward in Chandler.  And, this week I got to speak with my uncle, Jaden Rosser, and my cousin, Ian Bloomfield.  My uncle is the High Councillor, and I was his companion speaker.  Ian was the ward's speaker.  It was also his "farewell" talk.  He will be serving in the Washington Everett mission, the same mission as my sister, Sister Cherise Turley.  (The link to her blog is also on the left.)  Today I spoke on temples and redemption.

Well, I leave for the MTC in two days.  I will be training for two weeks in the MTC, and then heading to North Carolina.  My contact information is on the left side of my blog.  If you feel like contacting me, please send me a letter.


Quotes 2023

  Joseph : What's your middle name? Griffin : Jon-niel. Josh : When in doubt, it's Joseph's pants. Coworker : Bandit farted, and...