Sunday, October 20, 2019

But If Not

This blog is about dating.  And But If Nots.  Everyone's lives are filled with moments that can be But If Not moments.  So first, I'm going to state the obvious.  I'm 26.  I'm single.  And I'm a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  I am "old" for being single in the church.  And I get a lot of interesting talks about it.  People are genuinely worried about me.  And they think that I am unhappy because I am single.  Yes, I would like to be married and be a mom.  BUT IF NOT.

But if not comes from the story of Shadrach, Mesach, and Abednego, when they are thrown into the fiery furnace because they won't worship Nebuchadnezzar's idols.  (By the way it's pronounced knee-buck-add'-nuh-zahr.)  Nebuchadnezzar taunts the three boys and, and the three boys tell Nebuchadnezzar that their God can save them.  "But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods" (Daniel 3:18).  What happens cannot shake our faith.  And a friend gave a talk about it in church earlier this year, and I loved every minute of the talk.

My grandmother loved the quote, "Our faith is not dependent on outcomes."  It was her motto that she tried to instill in all of her children and grandchildren.  It is another representation of But If Not.

I know I said this blog is about dating in the very first sentence, but really it is about promised blessings.  God makes promises to His children that keep covenants.  And really this isn't about dating, but more about marriage.  Marriage is a God-made thing.  It is a blessing and also a covenant.  Without keeping this covenant, there are some blessings that cannot be ours.  If anyone knows me, they know that I am totally devoted to God, and I seek His guidance always.  I strive to do anything that He wants me to do.  I realized that I must do God's will as a teenager, and I haven't gone back.  And so as an "old" unmarried member of the church, people are genuinely worried about me and think that I am unhappy.  It's true that sometimes I am worried about being able to make that covenant or receiving the blessings God has promised.  BUT IF NOT

I will never give up on my God.  God keeps His promises in ways that we don't understand.  And He blesses His faithful children.  My faith is not dependent on outcomes.  My faith didn't depend on the fact that my mom died.  My faith didn't and still doesn't depend on my family being healed of mental health issues.  My faith didn't depend on being able to find a job as soon as I started applying.  There are just too many things that God knows the timing of that will be most beneficial to our Eternal Lives to let us have everything that we want.

You may receive blessings in this life.  BUT IF NOT please don't throw it all away.  God works in mysterious ways.  And there is so much in store.

Also, my cousin got married last month, and I was seriously considering asking for nominations for a date to the reception.  Good thing I didn't because I still ended up with a ring.  I stole it from my cousin who's seven.  I had to give it back.

Quotes 2023

  Joseph : What's your middle name? Griffin : Jon-niel. Josh : When in doubt, it's Joseph's pants. Coworker : Bandit farted, and...